On Thu, 01 Oct 2020 08:05:41 GMT, "Kerr-Mudd,John"
Post by Kerr-Mudd,JohnOn Wed, 23 Sep 2020 14:29:58 GMT, "Rick C. Hodgin"
Post by Rick C. HodginPost by Kerr-Mudd,John10:47:35 Wednesday 23rd September 2020
How about a 1st Oct deadline?
Works for me. I tried this past weekend but couldn't get a decent
design. Have too many other things on my mind I think.
I find these compos kind of exciting, even relaxing. I'll put in some
time, but if it's not in by Oct 1, no worries. Go forward.
I had an idea also that we could use a front-end loader to take a fixed
data payload and orient it in memory however we need to, allowing only
the data payload to be the actual size, using a common loader with
common abilities.
It might be an interesting way to setup things like POP CS to allow for
some interesting space savings by designing the code in a particular
Post by Rick C. HodginWe may be able to do some of that with an EXE loader and ORG
Post by Rick C. Hodginbut it would give us more options if we could use a common loader.
I didn't try any of that; just tight code; here you are Wolfgang, get
today1a4.com 256 bytes
All right; to give you a head start here's a debug dump (may wrap)
-u100 l8a
16A6:0100 BF 24 09 mov di,0924
16A6:0103 57 push di
16A6:0104 B4 2C mov ah,2C
16A6:0106 CD 21 int 21
16A6:0108 51 push cx
16A6:0109 88 E8 mov al,ch
16A6:010B 31 C9 xor cx,cx
16A6:010D E8 59 00 call 0169
16A6:0110 58 pop ax
16A6:0111 41 inc cx
16A6:0112 BE 97 01 mov si,0197
16A6:0115 E8 50 00 call 0168
16A6:0118 4E dec si
16A6:0119 88 F0 mov al,dh
16A6:011B E8 4A 00 call 0168
16A6:011E B4 2A mov ah,2A
16A6:0120 CD 21 int 21
16A6:0122 40 inc ax
16A6:0123 89 C5 mov bp,ax
16A6:0125 51 push cx
16A6:0126 98 cbw
16A6:0127 E8 4F 00 call 0179
16A6:012A BE 8B 01 mov si,018B
16A6:012D A5 movsw
16A6:012E A5 movsw
16A6:012F 56 push si
16A6:0130 88 D0 mov al,dl
16A6:0132 E8 34 00 call 0169
16A6:0135 80 FC 31 cmp ah,31
16A6:0138 98 cbw
16A6:0139 74 0A jz 0145
16A6:013B 2C 30 sub al,30
16A6:013D 3C 04 cmp al,04
16A6:013F 73 04 jnb 0145
16A6:0141 D1 E0 shl ax,1
16A6:0143 01 C6 add si,ax
16A6:0145 A5 movsw
16A6:0146 88 F0 mov al,dh
16A6:0148 99 cwd
16A6:0149 BE B5 01 mov si,01B5
16A6:014C E8 2A 00 call 0179
16A6:014F 5E pop si
16A6:0150 4E dec si
16A6:0151 58 pop ax
16A6:0152 B1 64 mov cl,64
16A6:0154 F7 F1 div cx
16A6:0156 E8 0F 00 call 0168
16A6:0159 92 xchg ax,dx
16A6:015A E8 0C 00 call 0169
16A6:015D 5A pop dx
16A6:015E 89 D0 mov ax,dx
16A6:0160 AA stosb
16A6:0161 CD 21 int 21
16A6:0163 95 xchg ax,bp
16A6:0164 B4 4C mov ah,4C
16A6:0166 CD 21 int 21
16A6:0168 A4 movsb
16A6:0169 D4 0A aam 0A
16A6:016B 08 E1 or cl,ah
16A6:016D 74 06 jz 0175
16A6:016F 80 CC 30 or ah,30
16A6:0172 88 25 mov [di],ah
16A6:0174 47 inc di
16A6:0175 0C 30 or al,30
16A6:0177 AA stosb
16A6:0178 C3 ret
16A6:0179 91 xchg ax,cx
16A6:017A B0 20 mov al,20
16A6:017C AA stosb
16A6:017D E3 09 jcxzw 0188
16A6:017F AC lodsb
16A6:0180 A8 20 test al,20
16A6:0182 75 F9 jnz 017D
16A6:0184 E3 F2 jcxzw 0178
16A6:0186 E2 F7 loopw 017F
16A6:0188 AA stosb
16A6:0189 EB F4 jmp 017F
16A6:018B 64 61 79 20-74 68 73 74-6E 64 72 64-3A 53 75 6E day
16A6:019B 4D 6F 6E 54-75 65 73 57-65 64 6E 65-73 54 68 75
16A6:01AB 72 73 46 72-69 53 61 74-75 72 4A 61-6E 75 61 72
16A6:01BB 79 46 65 62-72 75 61 72-79 4D 61 72-63 68 41 70
16A6:01CB 72 69 6C 4D-61 79 4A 75-6E 65 4A 75-6C 79 41 75
16A6:01DB 67 75 73 74-53 65 70 74-65 6D 62 65-72 4F 63 74
16A6:01EB 6F 62 65 72-4E 6F 76 65-6D 62 65 72-44 65 63 65
16A6:01FB 6D 62 65 72-58 mberX
Bah, and indeed, Humbug.