Post by Etienne MaraisI have studied most of the commands and features available in debug.exe now, but I am curious to why and when one would like to make use of the w 'write' version where you can specify the start sector of the disk. Is this for very low level stuff only ?
even cumbersome to enter everything in hexadecimal and in consecutive
order was absolute the best way to create my very own tools
and the core of my first OS (~1980)
Yes, it is really the lowest level possible for programming.
But it can also be a life saver for complete sector restore.
(you need to know and be aware of CHS and LBA formats)
I wrote my whole OS [KESYS] in hexadecimal and ASCII only.
But my own tool gave me much more comfort than DOS-debug:
* immediate disassemble for input verify
* allow full navigation within set limits (ie: go back up).
* can change between 16/32/64bit code interpreter anytime.
* toggle between ASCII/HEX input and dump view as well.
* RD/WR from/to any media, incl. partial sector writes.
* and a few more :)
unfortunately it became all history now (damned UEFI)