Arlen Holder
2020-04-19 01:08:03 UTC
*Which freeware assembler would you suggest a newbie use on Windows nowadays?*
It's a one-time use model, where instructions will be provided most likely,
so that others can also assemble this code into a binary executable.
To that end, source code was kindly provided today on the msdos batch ng:
That source appears to be Intel X86 assembly language code (AFAICT):
The question is:
*Which freeware assembler would you suggest a newbie use on Windows nowadays?*
Also, are these the correct newsgroups to be asking this type of question?
*Which freeware assembler would you suggest a newbie use on Windows nowadays?*
This is the source code:
jsr.l (GetCommandLine)
; skip program name
eor.l r1,r1 ; not within "" flag
dec.l r0
_20: inc.l r0
cmp.b #0,(r0)
beq.b _10
cmp.b #'"',(r0)
bne.b _30
not.l r1
_30: or.l r1,r1
bne.b _20
cmp.b #' ',(r0)
bne.b _20
inc.l r0
_10: eor.l r5,r5
move.l #5,r4 ; default: SW_SHOW
_50: (r0),r1
inc.l r0
or.b r1,r1
beq.b _40
sub.b #'0',r1
bcs.b _50
cmp.b #9,r1
bhi.b _50
mulsq.l #10,r5,r5
add.l r1,r5
eor.l r4,r4
br.b _50
_40: or.l r4,r4
beq.b _60
move.l r4,r5
_60: jsr.l (GetConsoleWindow)
move.l r5,-(sp)
move.l r0,-(sp)
jsr.l (ShowWindow)
moveq.l #0,-(sp)
jsr.l (ExitProcess) ; exit program
It's a one-time use model, where instructions will be provided most likely,
so that others can also assemble this code into a binary executable.
To that end, source code was kindly provided today on the msdos batch ng:
That source appears to be Intel X86 assembly language code (AFAICT):
The question is:
*Which freeware assembler would you suggest a newbie use on Windows nowadays?*
Also, are these the correct newsgroups to be asking this type of question?
*Which freeware assembler would you suggest a newbie use on Windows nowadays?*
This is the source code:
jsr.l (GetCommandLine)
; skip program name
eor.l r1,r1 ; not within "" flag
dec.l r0
_20: inc.l r0
cmp.b #0,(r0)
beq.b _10
cmp.b #'"',(r0)
bne.b _30
not.l r1
_30: or.l r1,r1
bne.b _20
cmp.b #' ',(r0)
bne.b _20
inc.l r0
_10: eor.l r5,r5
move.l #5,r4 ; default: SW_SHOW
_50: (r0),r1
inc.l r0
or.b r1,r1
beq.b _40
sub.b #'0',r1
bcs.b _50
cmp.b #9,r1
bhi.b _50
mulsq.l #10,r5,r5
add.l r1,r5
eor.l r4,r4
br.b _50
_40: or.l r4,r4
beq.b _60
move.l r4,r5
_60: jsr.l (GetConsoleWindow)
move.l r5,-(sp)
move.l r0,-(sp)
jsr.l (ShowWindow)
moveq.l #0,-(sp)
jsr.l (ExitProcess) ; exit program